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Leading in Smart Parking & Access Control

Contactless and Frictionless Parking Helps Shenzhen Baoan International Airport Cope with COVID-19

Apr 24,2020

Affected by the epidemic, as an international aviation hub with an annual passenger throughput of up to 50 million passengers, the epidemic prevention work of Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Airport") cannot be ignored. Shenzhen Airport has formulated a special emergency response plan, installing body temperature detection equipment in the terminals, increasing the sterilization frequency in crowded areas, etc., and making every effort to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control. The unattended P1 parking lot which was completed last year that just gives a great help.

Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport

Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport

Zero contact between you and me

Unattended parking lot to prevent the epidemic

On December 27, 2019, the parking management system and supporting hardware have been upgraded in Shenzhen Airport. The newly launched system supports multiple functions, such as HD LPR, face-to-face payment, cash changing, video intercom, and license plate recognition error correction. These mean that the first unattended parking lot at Shenzhen Airport is officially serving passengers in P1 parking lot.

Unattended Parking Lot

Go to JIESHUN unattended parking lot

Since the outbreak of January till now, the airport P1 parking lot has been facing with an average daily traffic volume of nearly 2,800 vehicles. With the help of JIESHUN cloud hosting, the parking lot management team has already removed the booths & toll staff, and released more available staff to quarantine positions. Hence the team has reduced costs, improved efficiency, especially lowered much more risks of personnel direct contact to prevent the epidemic transmission.

Promoting smart airport construction

Building "the most experienced digital airport"

Before upgrading the JIESHUN cloud hosting, the online payment ratio of Shenzhen Airport 's P1 parking lot has reached more than 95%. However, the huge base of passenger traffic has caused the parking lot management to arrange at least 5 shifts to meet only 5 % of offline payment needs.

For parking lot management staff members, they can realize the centralized management & control of all the software and hardware for the parking lot, through intelligent remote office and mobile terminal management. Staff members in different positions can view relevant data reports on the PC and mobile terminals to carry out mobile offices. And as for the vehicle entry and exit management, it is becoming more intelligent & efficient, and more convenient & safe.

JIESHUN Parking System

JIESHUN parking management controllers & barrier gates

For airport passengers, they can not only pay parking fees by through automated payment machines, Alipay/WeChat QR code, ETC, etc. in the P1 parking lot, but also receive electronic invoices through the Shenzhen Airport official account/by themselves. Besides, the upgraded equipment has improved the license plate recognition rate, and effectively accelerated the traffic efficiency.

If passengers encounter abnormal conditions when entering or leaving the field, they can push the intercom buttons of the parking management controllers/dispensers to remotely intercom with cloud hosting personnel to let the gates open. Cloud hosting personnel can take the initiative to intervene through the environmental monitoring of entrances/exits to help drivers deal with exceptions. This kind of one-click access to cloud hosting personnel can not only demonstrate the operating efficiency and service quality of the "smart airport", but also protect the drivers from public health threats.

JIESHUN Cloud Hosting Services

JIESHUN Cloud Hosting Personnel

“JIESHUN Cloud Hosting” penetrates the front line of anti-epidemic

Anti-epidemic management of Shenzhen Airport parking lot is a good example

This outbreak covered the entire Chinese Spring Festival holiday, some car park managers who still relied on the security staff for parking management, and cannot have more anti-epidemic manpower and other resources in the short term. Hence they have great difficulties in the entry and exit management of vehicles in special areas, and the anti-epidemic work was carried out quite passively.

With the help of JIESHUN smart parking and cloud hosting service, Shenzhen Airport's P1 parking lot can not only prevent the spread caused by the contact of the parking lot personnel, but also can be combined with big data trajectory tracking to help the city's comprehensive epidemic prevention.

JIESHUN Smart Parking

JIESHUN Smart Parking

In the nationwide epidemic prevention and control, the real-time monitoring and analysis of big data from the connected parking lots, may provide strong support for epidemic prevention and control.


“JIESHUN-The world leader in smart parking with 100,000 parking lots globally, positioning No.1 in China. ”Since 2014, JIESHUN has been committed to the implementation of smart parking lots. Established in 1992, Shenzhen Jieshun Science and Technology Industry Co., Ltd (namely ”JIESHUN”, 002609.SZ) is the world's leading one-stop supplier of smart parking solutions. JIESHUN offers complete and customized Entrance & Exit Control solutions, including parking management system (PMS), parking guidance system (PGS), barrier gates, pedestrian gates, access control, as well as a unified cloud-based platform for centralized monitoring and management.